Sunday, October 9, 2011

[Manga] Lovely Complex PLUS: lovely ending to a not so complex series~

Wahhh~ Didn't get enough of Lovely Complex? No worries! There's the Lovely Complex Plus special edition series talking about what Otani and Koizumi was like in middle school~

In the Plus series, because the main characters have not met yet... to tie the story together a new character was introduced! Yoshi, is a basketball playing, UmiBouza-loving guy who transfers through many schools due to his parents' jobs. And so in first year middle school he attended the school that Otani and Nakaochii was in and was part of the basketball club together... but then he had to move to another place before the year is up and ended up transferring to Koizumi's school in second year~ ;) he is also the reason why both Otani and Koizumi love UmiBouza~ (nice tie in author! *thumbs up*)

Yuki, the transfer student~ (O.O;) at the T-shirt....

The second part of the Plus special, talked about how Otani and Koizumi serendipitously met up at a UmiBouza concert without knowing each other yet~ a very cute story plot here~ <3

And the last part takes us back to the present and 4 months after their graduation from high school~ Having a reunion during summer holidays~ and pointing out how every seems the same as they were in high school but has also changed a little (well.. it's only 4 months... not THAT long~) nice chapter here too~

Quite sad to see the real end to this manga~ Q.Q I don't think I've so enthusiastically gone through a whole manga series like this for a long time now~ (except Usagi Drop... but different to Lovely complex... I felt utterly disappointed there... >:() Anyways, might check out the anime for this~ just to listen to their Kansai accent~ XD and the live action movie also looks interesting too~ (^-<)y

Lovely complex manga scores: 3.5 sabi stars

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

[Video game] F.E.A.R.3 (F.3.A.R.): first impressions of ghosts, guts and co-op fun!

I haven't always been a fan of first-person shooting games.. and that is mainly due to the lack of skills on my part making it into a game of death for me.... :T despite the lack of skills, in the past couple of years I did manage (somehow!?) to get through some shooting games in Co-op mode with hubby~ :3 However! F.E.A.R.3 (or F.3.A.R) is my first encounter with the F.E.A.R franchise... having only watched hubby play single player mode in F.E.A.R.2 (which he didn't complete due to motion sickness in the game... :T) we were quite amused that this game had Co-op story play with a twist! :3

Mommy watches over the boys~

To my (pleasant) surprise the second player gets to be Fettel, a man glowing red with telekinetic powers whom also apparently was an antagonist in the previous installment (not so sure about this as I didn't play 1 or 2...) The game play as Fettel was soooo fun! I could not believe I was enjoying a first person shooting game so much! You get to "suspend" things or people, execute the force (though this is not so powerful when facing enemy with armor on... :T) AND you get to "possess" people (which in turn lets you shoot your original comrades... if that makes sense~)! How fun is that! :D Okay... the only downside is having to wait for your "possess" power to recharge before you can possess someone else again... and it is during this period that I often let our team down by dying awfully quickly.... sorry hubby... (^^;)

Another reason that I really preferred playing Fettel than the shooter soldier Point Man is that Fettel looked really creepy on screen.... and hubby often got more scared by me (as Fettel) sneaking behind him... than the other gouls and ghosts in the actual storyline... (^^;) haha~

Talking about horror... I personally found the setting and pace of the game to my liking... with horror movie like insertions of long hair ghost child standing strategically at a corner or shadowy creeping figures running past the corner of your eye... had me scream out loud a few times (which in turn scared hubby! lol~) I also found the plot quite intriguing... and that even though I didn't play the first two games... I understood what's going on generally and that there were still some mystic behind the game.... (not sure how I would've taken it if I had already know the more detailed plot...)

So far we've maybe played through 4 stages... and I'm having a GREAT time! :D I'm not sure if it's just that I'm a bit rusty with first person game or that all the possessing that Fettel gets to do (plus on top of that, I never know when hubby's going to press the bullet-time button... (=.=;)) I started feeling a bit of motion sickness after a while... and I guess the increasing blood and gore in each stage did not help make me less nauseated. (though according to hubby this is already a lot better than the shaky camera action in F.E.A.R.2). If I was to give the game a score right now... I'd give it a 4.25 sabi stars out of 5!! *thumbs up* Shall update again once we finish the game~ X3

Monday, October 3, 2011

[Manga] Lovely complex: thoughts after completion

Love this tall girl, short guy couple story~ (o^-^o) for once I could see myself in a shoujo manga story~ XD

However at some point the arcs in the storyline was getting quite predictable...
- The rival arc: Mimi the tall girl ---> Kohori the short guy
- The rescue arc: Save Koizumi (from the hostess) --> Save Otani (from Hazuka's girlfriends)

Why did it always have to complement each other? O.O;

Anyways, apparently there's also the "lovely complex PLUS" chapters~ shall catch up on that soon too~ XD muwahahahaha~

Otani and Koizumi~ <3

More detailed thoughts and rants (after the jump~)

Saturday, October 1, 2011

[Video game] Tokimeki Memorial Girl's Side 3rd Story: Get the gifts your prince gives you IN REAL LIFE!

Tokimemo GS series has always sold merchandize of the series, and has made many girls 2D dream come true by making birthday jewelry that the main characters in the series gives you available with a few mouse clicks on the internet... (Click here if you would like to make YOUR 2D dream come true too~ X3).

And without fail the game maker also made Ruka (left; double ring) and Kou's (right) cherry blossom rings available for purchase December 2010 after the game came out~ 

NOW~ you can also get the gifts from the other 4 princes! Lucky you~  XD

The Arashi and Niina's pendant necklace and rose necklaces comes out September 29, 2011~ 

while the senpai group's Konno bracelet and Seiji's anklet will come out Novemeber 24, 2011. (apparently the first lot sold out already... @-@;)

This is high quality jewelry made by LAZY SUSAN and does not come cheap~ :T but they are very close replicates of the ones (pictures) in the games~ Live out your 2D dream in real life~ hahaha~ X3

Who is/are you favorite prince(s)?? (^^*)/